Leaves in the street create hazards for cyclists, clog storm drains, and may lead to flooding. It's a city code violation that could result in a fine. Use the free leaf recycling event, now through November 8.
The Planning Commission (PC) is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on master plans, land annexations and initial zoning, flood plain designation, rezoning proposals and new subdivisions. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month starting at 6:30 p.m.
Upcoming and Past Meetings - Planning Commission
Sherri Almond, Vice Chair; Term ends 2027 Craig Coronato; Term ends 2027 Tim Neely; Term ends 2025 Dan Radulovich; Term ends 2026 Jason Reynolds, Chair; Term ends 2026 Erin Roethlisberger; Term ends 2027 Patrick Santana; Term ends 2025 Andrew Goodman, Alternate; Term ends 2027
For questions concerning this board, contact the City Clerk's Office at 303-795-3780 or colcityclerk@littletongov.org.
Boards and Commissions
1Board of Adjustment combined with Building Board of Appeals and renamed the Appeals & Adjustment Commission 2Fine Arts Board combined with Arts & Culture Commission and renamed the Arts & Culture Board *In 2024, several boards, commissions, and authorities were just renamed. See individual board page for details