Downtown Wayfinding Program

Nevada Street Wayfinding sign

The wayfinding system was created to provide a navigation tool to those visiting the area and direction to services available in Downtown Littleton. 

Goals of the Signage and Wayfinding Systems:

  • Placemaking - reinforcing a sense of place for Downtown Littleton and enhancing Littleton's image and brand
  • Support and promote a distinct identity for Downtown
  • Enhance visitors' and residents' ability to easily navigate Downtown, and find desired destinations 
  • Economic Development - increase awareness of downtown core, helping to increase sales tax revenues, general interest in the community and investment within the downtown core
  • Increase the success and market potential for retail, dining, arts, entertainment, and economic growth and redevelopment in Downtown Littleton 
  • Support the city's commitment to downtown economic growth and redevelopment 

The downtown district has eight signs. Each side street sign has six spots for merchant/business names which are reserved for retail stores, restaurants, entertainment, and arts businesses. In the event slots are not occupied, the city reserves the right to insert city signage to promote tourism, events and/or local shopping. 

Those operating a service-based business facing Prince, Nevada, Curtice or Rapp Streets between Powers on the north and Church on the south are eligible to submit a merchant sign request and will be considered in order by date and time of the application. 

Businesses participating in the wayfinding sign program will be responsible for the material costs of the blade insert. The city will be responsible for installation labor.

What happens after a project is selected?

  • Following an approved application, a business will be sent an initial quote and proof before the order is placed. 
  • Following written approval from the business, the city will submit a work order for sign printing. 
  • Once the sign has been printed, the business will receive an invoice from Littleton's finance department and the blade will be installed by city staff.

What happens if a business relocates or closes permanently?

  • If a business relocates out of the downtown area or closes permanently, the sign will be removed. 
  • If a business relocates within the downtown area, they may request the city to move their blade insert to a new location. The city will comply if there are available slots in the new location. 


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Economic Development