FEMA provides valuable information for protecting yourself and your property at their Get Flood Smart website. Additional information to reduce your flood risk can be found from this Reduce Flood Risk video.
There may be financial assistance available for protecting property before or after a flood, including the sources below.
Public Works/Engineering staff is also available to discuss ways to improve your property and reduce flood risks. Contact the city floodplain administrator for more information at 303-795-3863.
- Flood is happening or will happen soon. Move to high ground immediately.
- Flooding is possible. Stay tuned to ratio and/or TV for info, and be ready to move to higher ground.
Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and possible stalling.
If you encounter deep and flowing water over a roadway, do not drive through it.
Watch the video, Flood VR - A 360VR Flood Experience to experience roadway flooding.
During periods of heavy rain, be alert for areas in Littleton that are labeled with a sign indicating which Creek or Gulch the roadway is crossing. Familiarize yourself with those locations that are within your typical daily driving routes. Other locations can be found by searching the maps identified in the Floodplain Maps section of this website.
Examples of roadway crossings with potential flooding risk that have signs: