All applications must be completed using the online application form. This form cannot be saved and completed at a later time, so please only fill out when you are ready to submit and have all of the required documentation requested below:
1. Completed and Signed W-9 Form
2. entity or reference number. (Registration for SAM must be completed in advance of submission at this link)
3. Current Certificate of Good Standing from the Colorado Secretary of State's Office.
a. You may obtain a Certificate of Good Standing or Certificate of Fact of Trade Name for your business at this link. If your certificate is expired or delinquent, you may update the status using the appropriate form found at this link. Search for your business name, click on the ID Number, select "Confirm" (authorized to make changes) and "File Periodic Report." Call the Secretary of State's office or email: with questions.
4. A signed Letter of Intent, attached as PDF, which includes the following:
a. Narrative of how the small business has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including, but not limited to, the following:
i. Financial hardship of a project, such as inflation, trades unavailability, project estimate increases, and supply chain issues;
ii. Maintenance of existing building, Covid-impacted or related equipment, and facilities;
b. Narrative of the proposed scope of work, including a time frame for completion;
c. Historic photographs of the property, including the section where the proposed work will be performed (if available);
d. Photographs of the existing building, noting any areas where work will be performed. If repair or maintenance work is proposed, please provide photographs highlighting the existing conditions of the building where work will be performed;
e. Proposed budget for the work, including three or more contractor bids for the proposed work. If contractor bids were not obtained or the applicant does not have the proper documentation, please provide an explanation. Additionally, please describe if there are any matching or in-kind contributions that will be provided to the business by another funding source.
5. If the Applicant is not the sole owner of the property or is a tenant of the property, the Applicant must upload a signed letter by the property owner(s) consenting to or joining in the application for the Grant funds.