It's a GREEN thing!
The City of Littleton has long supported environmentally friendly practices in its operations and in the community. The city urges residents, businesses and employees to participate in the greening of Littleton by recycling, conserving gas and water, using reusable beverage containers (instead of paper cups or single use water bottles), and turning off room lights when not in use.
City-sponsored "green" events and efforts
Every September, the cities of Littleton and Englewood sponsor the annual Household Hazardous Waste Roundup, collecting thousands of pounds of solid waste and hundreds of gallons of liquid waste and properly disposing of it.
City employees use desk side, single-stream recycling containers at their desks.
The city uses LEDs in its traffic lights, which use about one-tenth the electricity of traditional bulbs and last up to seven years.
Lighting in city buildings includes timer controls, motion sensors, LEDs and daylight harvesting controls to save energy.
The Littleton Report is printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based inks.
Since 1995, the city and South Suburban Parks and Recreation have sponsored the Christmas tree recycling program that has resulted in thousands of trees being ground into mulch that is available free to the public.
Littleton employees are encouraged to duplex printed documents when possible and practical.
The city has distributed thousands of shade trees to residents since the inception of the Spring Tree Program in 1996. Residents can purchase trees at reduced rates each spring and may plant them on any property within the city limits.
In 1993, the city started an annual leaf recycling program, held in October/November each year.