Historic Preservation

The historic preservation program works to protect and enhance historic buildings, sites and neighborhoods in Littleton. City staff works closely with the Historical Preservation Board to identify and designate eligible properties for historic landmark designation. Protection is provided to designated properties through city review and approval of exterior alterations to buildings. City staff provides support to the historical preservation board in its administration of the state income tax credit program for rehabilitation of residential structures and the Downtown Historic District Grant Program. Littleton’s historic preservation program is governed by Chapter 8 of Littleton's Title 10 Unified Land Use Code (ULUC).

For questions regarding historic preservation in Littleton, please contact the Planning Division at 303-795-3740 or drt@littletongov.org.

About Littleton Historic Preservation



Historic District and Fund Grant Programs

Colorado State Historical Fund Grants

Colorado State Historical Fund grants are available to property owners with designated historic landmarks on the local, state and/or historic register. Property owners must apply through the city.

For information, visit State Historic Fund.

Downtown Historic District Grants

Downtown Historic District Grants are available to property owners and tenants with properties in the Downtown Historic District.

Visit Downtown Historic District Grant Program to view annual deadlines and application.

Visit COVID Recovery Grant for Historic Property Improvement Program to view eligibility guidelines and application.


Benefits and Obligations of Landmark Designation


  • Upon Designation of a Historic Landmark, owners receive a plaque from the city to display on their landmark.

Obligations for Property Owners with Landmark Properties

  • Exterior Modifications and Additions Require City Approval
    • Minor changes are administratively approved
    • Major changes are approved by the Historical Preservation Board
    • Exterior maintenance and interior work does not require approval
  • Upkeep and Maintenance
    • Owners of designated historic properties are required to keep up with maintenance of the structure and the landmarked property.

Tax Credits

Federal Tax Credits

Federal Historic Tax Credits are available for income-producing properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

For information, visit Federal Historic Tax Credit.

State Tax Credits

State Income Tax Credits are available for

  • state and local designate historic landmarks, and
  • contributing buildings in designated local historic districts.

For information, visit State Income Tax Credit.

City Property Tax Refund

Littleton Property Tax Refund is available for

  • designated historic landmarks—100 percent refund,
  • properties in designated historic districts—50 percent refund.

Note that tax refunds are not available for properties in the Downtown Historic District.

Sales/Use Tax Waiver

Sales/Use Tax Waiver is available at time of building permit issuance for building materials incorporated into the front façade of a designed historic landmark or property in a designated historic district.



Littleton Legacy List

Check out our newest feature, the Littleton Legacy List! This list features buildings important to Littleton's history and legacy that are not protected within historic districts or as individual landmarks. Nonetheless they are vital to the story of our city!


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