Website Policies

For social media policies, visit the Social Media Policies page.

Privacy Policy

Website visitors do not have to provide personal information to visit the city's website. The City of Littleton will not collect personally-identifiable information such as name or email address unless you specifically and knowingly provide it. Any personally-identifying information you provide will be used to respond to your question or to process your transaction and/or request for information. Communications received by the city from any source are generally available to the public under provisions of the state public records laws.

If you send the city an electronic mail message (email) that contains personally-identifiable information, or complete a form which submits this information, the city will use the personally-identifiable information to respond to you. The city may redirect your question to another City of Littleton staff member or another government agency who is better able to answer your question. Email is within the definition of a public record under the state public records law and is subject to public disclosure under that law.

To protect this site and ensure this service remains available to all, the City of Littleton uses software programs to monitor network traffic and identify attempts to change information on this website or otherwise cause damage to this site. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally-identifiable information, except as may be required to support authorized law enforcement investigations.

Secure URL This website uses the SSL security protocol for conducting online services. Information submitted through forms on this website are protected by encryption technology. Current browsers indicate whether a site or page is secure by displaying a padlock symbol in the URL address bar. If the padlock image appears locked, then it is a secure web page and any information submitted from that page is encrypted. If the padlock image is not present or appears unlocked, that page is not secure. Additionally, the address bar URL beginning with "https" indicates a secure connection.

Personal information submitted voluntarily to us through online web forms, employment applications, email subscriptions and messages, or through interactive web-based applications will be used to respond to your message and to help us respond to your requests. The information you submit will remain private; however, as a governmental agency, we are governed by the Colorado Open Records Act. Unless otherwise protected by law, any information that we receive through use of our site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper. It is City policy not to sell, rent, exchange, or otherwise disclose information collected to outside organizations or persons outside the City of Littleton. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information, and will not be released to any outside parties unless the City is legally required to do so.

Offsite Link Policy

The mission of the City of Littleton's website,, is to provide residents, businesses and visitors online access to government departments, services and programs. From time to time the city may wish to post links to other sites which, in the opinion of the city, provide more information to our residents, businesses, and visitors about additional government services and information, or other information about the community, including festivals, cultural events, and local news. The city cannot promote any organization on its website unless that organization has an official relationship with the city such as a contract, event sponsorship, agreement, partnership, etc.

Library Link Policy

The purpose of libraries throughout the ages has been to provide knowledge and information to their patrons. Therefore, Bemis Library web pages shall be exempted from this general offsite link policy. Links in the library's portion of the site shall be limited to research sites which may be segregated by type of site, age group or other patron categories; other libraries or groups of libraries such as Colorado Virtual Library, Prospector, or the Jefferson County Public Library; or sites maintained by professional library groups.

Referring Links

Some of the links made available through the City of Littleton's website will take the user off the city's site. These links are followed by an external link indicator: The Internet sites available through these links, and the materials that the user may find there are not under the control of the City of Littleton. Therefore, the city cannot and does not make any representation to the user about these sites or the materials available there. The fact that the City of Littleton has made these links available is not an endorsement or recommendation by the city of any of these sites or any material found there. The city is providing these links only as a convenience to the user.

Links to Candidates and Political Groups

In order to avoid the potential violation of the Colorado Fair Campaign Practices Act, Article 45, Title 1, C.R.S., links shall not be made to sites that are associated with, sponsored by or serve a candidate for elected office; any political party; or organization supporting or seeking to defeat any candidate for elective office or ballot proposal. During an election year, the communications department, with assistance from the city clerk, may release a statement which will provide an overview of the election process and announce the city council candidates who have been certified for the ballot by the city clerk. The city will not publish announcements/press releases from council members or council candidates announcing their intent to run or not to run for reelection on either the city website or in the Littleton Report.

Maintaining Current Information

The City of Littleton maintains this website to provide public access to city information. This is a service that is continually under development. While every attempt is made to keep the information timely and accurate, there are no guarantees. Every effort will be made to correct errors brought to the city's attention. Email the Webmaster with any comments, changes, suggestions and/or corrections. Always include the web page title and URL which contains the error.


While the City of Littleton provides the information on all its publication channels to everyone, the city retains copyright on all text, graphic images, photographs, and all other content.

Users may not:

  • Modify or re-use any text, photographs, images, video, or any other content from any city website, newspaper, brochure, flyer, video, etc., or any printed and/or electronically-published broadcast or publication without the express written permission of the City of Littleton;
  • Copy and/or distribute text, photographs, images, video, or any other content from any city website, newspaper, brochure, flyer, video, etc., or any printed and/or electronically-published broadcast or publication without the express written permission of the City of Littleton;
  • Frame or otherwise incorporate into another website any of the content or other materials from any city website including,, and;
  • Mirror any city-owned website on any other server without the city's permission;
  • An exception to this policy are the images available on the Free Image Gallery page.

Users may print copies of the information for their own personal use and reference city websites, publications and broadcasts from their own documents. Commercial use of any materials is prohibited without the express written permission of the City of Littleton.

For questions, comments or concerns regarding the City of Littleton web privacy and policies, contact:

City Attorney's Office
City of Littleton
2255 West Berry Avenue
Littleton, Colorado 80120

The City of Littleton reserves all other rights.