Leaves in the street create hazards for cyclists, clog storm drains, and may lead to flooding. It's a city code violation that could result in a fine. Use the free leaf recycling event, now through November 8.
Welcome to the Development Activity List (DAL), a map-based tool which provides up-to-date, detailed, searchable information on development activities in the city.
Data is updated directly from the city’s building and permitting system, TRAKiT. Features include side tabs to easily view recent submittals and pre-application meetings (held before an application is submitted), a search field to filter projects, and a simplified mobile version for visitors using smartphones and tablets. Click on blue button to open the DAL.
For more information about development projects or for assistance locating information, and for other building and development questions, call 303-734-8076. Questions may also be emailed to DRT@littletongov.org.
Archived Records
Archived records may be requested by using the Open Records Request Form(PDF, 325KB). The completed form must be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office.
Development Project Highlights
Project Downtown
Root & Renew
Broadway Corridor Study
Santa Fe River Corridor
Santa Fe and Mineral Improvements Project
Mineral Avenue Corridor Assessment
Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL)
Current Public Works Projects/Capital Projects Dashboard